Thirdpower Fitness

Personal Trainer in New York NY

  • Categories:

    Fitness, Gym, Physical Therapist, Fitness Trainer, Personal Trainer,

  • Service Area(s):

    New York County

  • Product(s):

    We are committed to a sustainable future for this planet that we all share, so we have changed our practices and converted our facility accordingly to make our eco footprint as small as possible. Everything from our organic cotton towels, to the recycled paper and soy based ink that we use in our marketing materials, to the bio-degradable cleaning agents we use, to our judicious use of energy is part of our commitment to protect scarce resources.

  • Payment Methods Accepted:

    Mastercard, VISA, Discover, Cash, American Express, Check

Our beautiful NYC personal training and exercise studio is the perfect setting to concentrate on transforming your body with ThirdPower's personal trainers and nutrition staff. Our private studio boasts exposed brick walls and hardwood floors. We like to say that in our studio there are no distractions, no hour long chat sessions interrupted by brief bouts of exercise and no excuses.

We are the best persnal training service in the world. Yes we said world, not the USA or America but the best personal training service in the world. The holistic fitness attainment model that we at ThirdPower Fitness have developed, is state of the art, and in a few short years it will likely alter the concept that most people have of what personal training is supposed to be. If you don't believe me check out what Time Out NYC, Daily Candy, Thrillist, and Vogue have to say about our little studio after having been open for business in NYC for only eight months. If you still aren't convinced check this out. Call (212) 727-7627 to speak to our certified personal trainers, and we will help you find the best fitness program.

More on Thirdpower Fitness:

Services: By Appointment Only!!!!!

Thirdpower Fitness can also be found on:

AboutUs, Google Places, Rate It All, RelevantYellow, Yelp,