Alliance Management Group

House Rentals Barstow CA

  • Categories:

    Rental Housing Agency, Office Space Rental Agency, Commercial Real Estate Rental Agency, Rental Property Listing Agency, Property Management Company,

  • Service Area(s):

    San Bernardino County

  • Payment Methods Accepted:


Are you moving to the Barstow or Lenwood area and looking for information about local house rentals? Do you already live in the community, but want to move into a new rental home? Has your business outgrown your current commercial space? Then you need the house rentals and commercial rental property services of Alliance Management Group. We specialize in house rentals, and we’ll help you find the home that’s perfect for your family and within your price range.

At Alliance Management Group, we provide a list of the rental homes currently available, so you will be able to explore the houses, the neighborhoods, and the potential commute times to your work. Our house rentals are all well-maintained properties, in safe communities, and you’ll take pride in living in one of the homes we manage. For commercial properties, we manage a wide range of commercial spaces, from storefronts to warehouses, and everything in between. When you’re looking for a new commercial property to rent, think of Alliance. If you are a property owner who is interested in our property management services, we offer client screenings, security deposits, property inspections, rental and lease contracts, and monthly and year-end statements. All rents are deposited on a monthly basis.

Offering premier house rentals in Barstow CA, Alliance Management Group has been serving the local community for more than 26 years. We take great pride in the comprehensive property management services we offer and have an incredible list of affordable, comfortable homes available for rent and lease. If you’re looking for information about house rentals or commercial properties for lease in the area, call our offices at 760-256-4663.

More on Alliance Management Group:

Services: Alliance Management Group provides house rentals in Barstow CA. For more information about our house rentals and property management, call us at 760-256-4663 and inquire about the following services: * Commercial Rental Listings * House Rental Listings * Property Management * Rental Property Inspections * Rental Property Refurbishment * Rent Collection * Security Deposit Collection * Tenant Screening

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