Main Street Grill

American Restaurant Lewiston ID

  • Categories:

    Diner, Hamburger Restaurant, Historic Downtown Restaurant, American Restaurant, Restaurant,

  • Service Area(s):

    Nez Perce County

  • Product(s):

    * Breakfast * Lunch * Dinner * Hamburgers * Steaks * Seafood * Soup * Salad * Wraps * Sandwiches

  • Payment Methods Accepted:

    Mastercard, VISA, Discover, Cash, American Express

Enjoy great food and hometown friendly service at Lewiston's favorite American restaurant, Main Street Grill. We've got all your favorites, from award winning hamburgers and fries to Irish nachos, and everything in between. Main Street Grill, simply the . . . “Best In The West!”

Located on Highway 12 in the heart of Lewiston, we are the perfect place to meet family and friends for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Our menu has something for everyone in the family, from a veggie wrap to potato chips made right here in our kitchen. With over 40 years of experience, we know how to give you great food you'll love! We are proud to have been voted the "Best Lunch Restaurant" in KLEW TV's Best in the West Contest in 2010 and 2011. Everyone in the family will enjoy our 'show' kitchen, where you can watch our cooks in action, adding to a unique dining experience at our family owned and operated American restaurant.

If you're looking for great food, affordable prices, and service with a smile, head on down to historic Lewiston for breakfast, lunch, or dinner at Main Street Grill. Our American restaurant in Lewiston, ID is great for locals and travelers alike! Call 208-746-2440, or stop on buy for some down home cooking.

More on Main Street Grill:

Services: When you've got a craving for great food, head on down to Main Street Grill in Lewiston, ID for one of our award winning hamburgers, or other great menu items. You'll love the atmosphere and friendly hometown service at our American restaurant. Call 208-746-2440 to find out more about our available services: * American Restaurant * Party Room * Meeting Room * Delivery * Box Lunches * Outside Enclosed Seating Area * Show Kitchen

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