Wayne Tree Manor

Event Facility Wayne MI

  • Categories:

    Wedding Venue, Event Room, Conference Center, Banquet Hall, Party Venue,

  • Service Area(s):

    Wayne County

  • Payment Methods Accepted:

    Mastercard, VISA, Discover, Cash, Travelers Check, Paypal, American Express, Check

Weddings, anniversaries, graduations and reunions are special events that deserve the best of celebrations. To host all of life's special moments, get an event room at Wayne Tree Manor . . . "Rich Settings, Affordable Venues!"

It doesn't matter if you have 50 or 1000 guests, Wayne Tree Manor has an event room that will impress everyone who attends your special event. We take care of all the planning, from food choices to decorations, with your ideas and style in mind. All our employees offer friendly, professional service. Our event room is perfect for any event, from small parties to corporate events. Let us create a lavish setting for you and your guests to enjoy.

With 30 years of experience, we are sure to give your event the perfect setting and atmosphere, with great service and affordability. You will want to host all of your events at Wayne Tree Manor in Wayne, MI. Plan your next event today by calling 734-728-3020.

More on Wayne Tree Manor:

Services: When you need an event room that will impress your guests, choose Wayne Tree Manor in Wayne, MI. We do all the planning for any event, at a budget that will allow you to plan all of your events here. For 50 guests or 1000 guests, call 734-728-3020 to plan your event today: * Multiple Banquet Rooms * Ball Room * Professional Catering * Buffet Dinner * Accommodation Up To 1,000 Guests * Parking Provided

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