Entourage - Euflooria

Flooring Las Vegas NV

  • Categories:

    Tile Store, Flooring Store, Linoleum Store, Carpet Store,

  • Service Area(s):

    Clark County

  • Product(s):

    * Carpet * Tile * Hardwood Flooring * Laminate Flooring * Vinyl Flooring

  • Payment Methods Accepted:

    Mastercard, VISA, Discover, Cash, American Express, Check

Euflooria is a family owned business. We are not concerned with the retail side of flooring/sales. We have a small number of employees, and that is the reason why we stay dedicated to our customers. Every job counts for us... whether it is big or small. Our independent installers have been with us for several years.

Everyone is background checked, and have no records of any kind with the law. We are licensed, bonded and insured. All of our estimates are presented to our customers on a formal estimate sheet, and you can trust the fact that our numbers never change, once the job is estimated. If you would like to receive that customer service that you so well deserve, please give us a call, and let us be the flooring company for you!

More on Entourage - Euflooria:

Services: We are your flooring specialist! Euflooria takes pride in the re-designing of your flooring. We offer carpet, vinyl, laminate, hardwood, and tile for sale and to install. Let us show you the new innovations in the flooring world. We would love a chance to make your dreams a reality! * Flooring * Flooring Store * Ceramic & Porcelain Flooring * Granite Flooring * Hardwood Flooring * Laminate Flooring * Marble Flooring * Rubber Flooring * Vinyl Flooring Our business is licensed and insured (License #0074205, License #0076088, License #0076386) with Insurance of a $2,000,000 policy.

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