Thrill Seeker Sportfishing

Fishing Charter Kailua Kona HI

  • Categories:

    Sport Fishing Charters, Snorkeling, Deep Sea Fishing, Big Game Sportfishing, Fishing Charter,

  • Service Area(s):

    Hawaii County

  • Payment Methods Accepted:

    Mastercard, VISA, Discover, Cash

Are you seeking a fishing adventure you will remember for a lifetime? Thrill Seeker Sportfishing is the region’s premier sport fishing charter service which guarantees you will have an adventure you will never forget. You can trust the . . . “Best Value For Fishing Boat Size!”

We specialize in providing a sport fishing charter service within the beautiful surroundings of Hawaii. Our location offers calm waters, and a wide variety of Pacific sport fish to go after. Whether you are looking for a full day, 3/4 of a day, or a half day charter, we can accommodate your needs with extremely competitive rates. With over 30 years of experience in charter fishing, we know the trip is only successful when you can stay in a comfortable cabin which is clean, relaxing, and serene. If you enjoy snorkeling, we also cater to your needs, providing beautiful locations for underwater exploration. Our charter fishing excursions are complimented with top of the line electronics that find the perfect site, as well as comprehensive selection of fishing lures to chose from.

Call Thrill Seeker Sportfishing in Kailua Kona, HI today at 808-960-2056 and experience a sport fishing charter service which will give you the adventure you have always wanted. Enjoy the thrill of sport fishing in an unforgettable destination at a rate you can afford.

More on Thrill Seeker Sportfishing:

Services: At Thrill Seeker Sportfishing in Kailua Kona, HI, we provide the sport fishing charter experience which creates unforgettable memories for a lifetime. Call 808-960-2056 today and learn more about all of our available services: * 1/2, 3/4, & Full Day Charters * Snorkeling * Catch, Clean & Fillet

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