San Leandro Painting & Roofing
Roofing Contractor Modesto CA
3813 Emperor Ln
Modesto, CA 95356
Painting, Roofing Contractor, Painter, Painting Contractor, House Painting,
Service Area(s):
Stanislaus County
Payment Methods Accepted:
Cash, Check
Founded in 1966 on the principles of providing a quality job at affordable prices, San Leandro Painting & Roofing takes pride in our reputation as a roofing and painting contractor you can depend on. We offer interior and exterior painting for residential and commercial properties, as well as roofing repair and installation. Our skilled painters and roofing techs are not satisfied with a job until you are entirely happy. We provide a written estimate and a final invoice detailing the services provided and we will beat any competitor's prices. San Leandro Painting & Roofing provides services throughout the San Francisco Bay Area and the surrounding communities. As a family owned and operated business we are committed to your complete satisfaction. We are licensed, bonded, and insured for your peace of mind.
If you're looking for a painting contractor in Modesto, CA and the surrounding Bay Area, call on the pros at San Leandro Painting & Roofing at 510-798-9674 to schedule your free estimate.
More on San Leandro Painting & Roofing:
Services: When it's time to paint the house or replace the roof, you want a painting contractor you can depend on. You want the pros at San Leandro Painting & Roofing in Modesto, CA. We offer high quality workmanship, affordable prices, and outstanding customer service. Call 510-798-9674 to schedule your consultation or to find out more about our available services: * Interior Painting * Exterior Painting * Roofing Repairs * Roofing Installations * Roofing Replacements * 7 Days a Week
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