Fred H Sutherland Attorney at Law

Attorney Shreveport LA

  • Categories:

    Real Estate Attorney, Employment Attorney, Attorney, Estate Planning Attorney, Civil Litigation Attorney,

  • Service Area(s):

    Caddo Parish

  • Payment Methods Accepted:

    Cash, Check

Fred H Sutherland Attorney at Law is a local attorney specializing in civil litigation and business law. As a premier civil litigation attorney since 1971, I ensure your legal rights are preserved and your voice heard.

I have established myself as a preeminent civil litigation attorney emphasizing trials and related litigation involving complicated property and business valuation disputes. My practice focuses on the areas of contract disputes, construction defects, inverse condemnation, development agreement, corporate law, as well as living wills and trusts. My reputation as a go-to civil litigation attorney is well deserved by consistently delivering positive verdicts and settlements for my clients.

As your trusted civil litigation attorney, I carefully strategize and implement case theories. Because of my experience and successful results, my clients benefit by my reputation for fighting hard and fighting smart. Call Fred H Sutherland Attorney at Law in Shreveport, LA at 318-676-1515 today, to schedule a consultation.

More on Fred H Sutherland Attorney at Law:

Services: Fred H Sutherland Attorney at Law in Shreveport, LA is a civil litigation attorney specializing in the areas of corporate law, estate planning, business, and construction law. As your civil litigation attorney, rest assured my experience will work in your favor. Call me today at 318-676-1515 to find out more about my civil litigation services: * Corporate Law * LLC's * Partnerships * Mergers * Consolidations * Contracts * Agreements * Litigation * Estate Planning * Wills * Trusts * Powers of Attorney * Living Wills * Succession Planning * Probate * Donations * Individual Law * Civil Rights * Employment Law * Wrongful Deaths

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