Mercy Clinic East

Medical Center Janesville WI

  • Categories:

    Hospital, Physical Therapy Clinic, Medical Group, Medical Clinic, Medical Center,

  • Service Area(s):

    Rock County

  • Product(s):

    Here at Mercy, we also provide health insurance plans that make quality health care services more accessible to our community. Some of our health insurance products include: * MercyCare MercyPlus * MercyCare MVP * MercyCare HMO * MercyCare Supplement

Mercy Clinic East is a low cost health care provider you can count on for accessible medical services of all sorts. We are a medical center with a pharmacy, urgent care center, and vision center, and offer a wide range of medical services from allergy and immunology to surgery and physical therapy. Our physicians are experienced and nationally recognized, and provide accurate diagnosis for effective treatment of a number of medical conditions.

Here at Mercy Clinic East, we are more than just your average medical center that merely takes care of a physical need. Our mission as your local health care clinic is to provide healing in the broadest sense. That means that we're a medical center that's dedicated to promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual help by encouraging family unity and providing compassionate support. This allows us to provide you with better overall medical care and take care of your health beyond your physical needs.

With over one million patient visits annually at 64 different facilities, we here at Mercy Clinic East are a medical center that's committed to caring for our patients and communities. Our physicians and physical therapists frequently volunteer at local free clinics, and we've provided more than $28 million in free health care and services. We also have a unique House of Mercy Homeless Center, and host Meals On Wheels to provide affordable meals for the disabled and elderly in their homes.

If you're looking for a medical center that provides affordable, high quality medical services and physical therapy, we at Mercy Clinic East are here for you. We will do more for you than simply treat your physical medical condition, and will offer you services at a price you can afford. If you have any questions or concerns, or need urgent care, give us a call today at 608-756-7100.

More on Mercy Clinic East:

Services: Call Mercy Clinic East at 608-756-7100 for an affordable urgent care center in Janesville, WI. We are dedicated to providing healing in the broadest sense, and offer a variety of quality health care services. These include: * Allergy/immunology * Audiology * Dermatology * Diabetes education * Endocrinology * Family medicine * Hand surgery * Imaging services * Internal medicine * Laboratory services * LASIK laser vision correction surgery * Mental health services * Mercy Diabetes Center * Mercy Orthotics and Prosthetics Center * Mercy Regional Eye Center * Neurology * Ophthalmology * Optometry * Orthopaedic surgery * Otolaryngology (ENT) * Pediatrics * Pharmacy * Physical Therapy * Podiatry * Rheumatology * Sports medicine * Urgent care * Vision center

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