Alan E. Fricke Memorials Inc.

Monument Maker Ronkonkoma NY

  • Categories:

    Headstone Maker, Monument Maker, Monument Designing, Monument Lettering, Memorial Builder,

  • Service Area(s):

    Suffolk County

  • Product(s):

    * Slant Markers * Upright Markers * Memorials * Gravestones * Headstones * Monuments * Bronze Plaques * Pet Memorials * Mausoleums * Cornerstones * Benches

  • Payment Methods Accepted:

    Mastercard, VISA, Cash, American Express, Check

Remember your loved ones with the exquisite designs provided by Alan E. Fricke Memorials, Inc. As a monument make since 1946, we have provided exceptional markers, monuments, and memorials throughout our community.

As a third generation monument maker, we have the knowledge and skill to produce a proper tribute in a variety of styles. We use only the finest materials to produce slant and upright headstones, grave markers, and monuments, and we custom design and build a variety of civic memorials. Choose from materials such as granite, marble, and bronze, and a variety of script styles.

We have proudly designed, built, and restored a variety of memorials throughout New York, including the TWA Flight 800 International Memorial, the Bayport Bicentennial Memorial, the Nassau Sheriff’s Memorial, and Central Islip’s World War I, World War II, and Vietnam Veteran Memorials.

When you're in need of an experienced monument maker in Ronkonkoma, NY and throughout Long Island, contact Alan E. Fricke Memorials, Inc. at 631-737-0051. We are happy to offer our advice and support.

More on Alan E. Fricke Memorials Inc.:

Services: Since 1946, Alan E. Fricke Memorials, Inc. has been the monument maker of choice in Ronkonkoma, NY and surrounding areas. We offer a variety of exquisitely designed markers, headstones, and monuments. Visit our website to view a gallery of our work and products, or call 631-737-0051 for more information about our services: * Monument Maker * Designer * Memorial Design * Engraving * Etching * Restorations * Brick Engraving

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