Starlite Motel

Motel Ronan MT

  • Categories:

    Lodge, Motel, Guest Services, Motel Ronan, Hotel,

  • Service Area(s):

    Lake County

  • Product(s):

    * Outfitters * Guides

  • Payment Methods Accepted:

    Mastercard, VISA, Discover, Cash, Travelers Check, American Express, Check

Are you planning a trip to Flathead Lake or Glacier National Park and need a comfortable place to rest? The Starlite Motel is “located in the heart of Mission Valley.” We have 15 cozy rooms that are kept remarkably clean! We look forward to your stay with us!

Whether you have come to town to enjoy some fishing and hiking, or intend to play golf at Mission Mountain, our nearby golf course featuring 18 holes and spectacular views of the Mission Range . . . you can count on Starlite Motel to provide a comfortable place to rest when it’s time to call it a day! Since 1996, The Starlite Motel has provided travelers with inviting rooms and superior customer service. Choose from non-smoking and smoking rooms. All rooms come with air conditioning and heating, queen sized beds, shower and bath, refrigerator, microwave, high speed internet, and a coffee pot with all the condiments to start your morning out right! Need some chill time? Relax on one of our comfortable beds and choose from over 40 channels on your room’s TV. We also are dog friendly! Just let us know that your pet will be joining you and we will provide them with the same friendly service.

For the most affordable rates, visit The Starlite Motel in Ronan, MT! We offer discounts for AAA members, children, military, off season, and senior citizens. Call our friendly staff today at 406-676-7000 to make your reservation!

More on Starlite Motel:

Services: At The Starlite Motel in Ronan, MT, we provide service with a smile! Call us today at 406-676-7000 for more information about our services, which include: * Reservations * Guides * Internet * Fax Service * Corporate Rate * Parking

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