United Pharmacy

Pharmacy Berkeley CA

  • Categories:

    Pharmacist Consulting, Berkeley Pharmacy, Pharmacy, Prescription Drug Provider, Pharmacy Berkeley,

  • Service Area(s):

    Alameda County

  • Payment Methods Accepted:

    Mastercard, VISA, Discover, Cash, American Express, Check

For healthcare and overall wellness, United Pharmacy in Berkeley, CA is a retail home care pharmacy which deals with prescriptions for patients of all ages. Through personal consultation, Dr. Pam listens and guides you to the best options available for your individual needs. The health paths to take are limitless, as Dr. Pam who has her Doctorate in Pharmacy, will take the time to listen, and figure out a wellness regimen tailored to your particular health conditions.

What sets United Pharmacy aside from other pharmacies is our professionalism. We provide a complete personal touch, where anything may be discussed, and if you aren’t comfortable asking face to face, we offer e-mail consultations. Our staff is very caring and concerned with each of our patients. We try to anticipate our patient’s needs. There is also a minimal wait time from our pharmacy as we get you in and out as quickly and satisfied as possible. We do take prescriptions in advance if you call in to our pharmacy.

At United Pharmacy we provide compliance packaging through bubble packs or medisets, which are convenient for those who prefer their daily doses prepared in advance so nothing is missed or misplaced. The medications at our pharmacy can be compounded if the dose is not available commercially or if a certain flavor is desired by children or pets.

Our pharmacy has been in business since 1996, while Dr. Pam has over 30 years in the pharmacy industry. You can feel completely confident that we will do whatever it takes to meet your needs. We will be happy to serve residential clients and all assisted living patients. Please visit our pharmacy website for a full view of services we offer to you. Please call United Pharmacy in Berkeley, CA at 510-843-3201 for all your pharmacy needs.


More on United Pharmacy:

Services: For a professional and personal pharmacy in Berkeley, CA please call United Pharmacy at 510-843-3201. We look forward to serving you with the following services and more: * Comprehensive Consultation Services * Smoking Cessation Programs * Respiratory Care Education * Diabetes Counseling * Drug-Nutrient Depletion Counseling * Herbal Consultation * Customized Medication

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